I’ve just set up my PC with dual monitors (Both are standard 4:3 however one is hooked up to my graphics card and the other is hooked up to my onset mobo’s integrated graphics) and when using UE4 I encounter a very irritable problem. UE4 freezes. I have to restart my PC every time this happens.
Scenario #1:
I loaded up my UE4 project on the monitor that is utilizing my GPU and on my other monitor I have Chrome open with notes. If I mouse cursor over to one display and click around, then move back over UE4 is . I have to use Task Manager to force it to close. Also, Task Manager doesn’t show UE4 as unresponsive which is weird. I’ve also clicked around in the editor to see if it would give me an “UE4 is not working” or “Unresponsive” message but to no avail. It’s like it’s working but at the same time it isn’t.
My Opinion
I thought maybe UE4 was getting confused since I was running a monitor that supported UE4 and one that didn’t. So it just decided to get hung up.
Scenario #2
I restarted my PC and only enabled the monitor that used my GPU. I did this by using “Second Screen Only.” I opened up UE4 once again. However, this time it hung up upon opening the editor.
Seeing as this has never happened before I started using dual monitors, I assume that that is the issue.
I have a playtest session this weekend and I have to finish up the game’s current build. Any help would be graciously accepted.
Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
What steps can I take to reproduce the error on my end?
- Have two monitors.
- One that is set up to use a GPU that can run UE4 and monitor that is set up to use a CPU’s integrated graphics that can’t run UE4.
- Open up an existing project on the monitor that does support UE4.
- Run the scenarios that I’ve mentioned above.
Extra Information
Out of curiosity, I ran my project in network mode (With two windows). One window was on the supported monitor and one was on the unsupported monitor. To my surprise, it worked. I was expecting a crash. However, when I went back to work on the supported monitor, it was .
Can you post your dxdiag here so I can take a look?
[link text][1]
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I also switched back to one screen and it was working fine so I am definitely confident that it is, in fact, the dual monitor setup.
Is the second monitor pulling from your AMD Radeon 3000? If so, when you have the dual monitor setup, make sure that the editor is set to use your Nvidia card while in use.
To clarify, are you saying for me to make sure to open up UE4 on the monitor that is using the Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 GPU?
Not just that, but if you go into your nvidia control panel>Manage 3D settings, you should be able to ensure that the editor is using your Nvidia card instead of the other card.
Ok. Will do. You’ve been a great help. I will be sure to do that. Thanks.