**Hey Everyone,
I’m relatively new to Unreal and I notice that on start-up of the Editor my CPU usage bolts up to 100% and then levy’s around 30-75% depending on what I am doing within the editor. I was curious if there is anyway to lighten the load on the CPU since I have dual graphics cards or if there is a better way to optimize the software to work better with my GPU’s?
My rigs specs are:
Intel i7-4790k @4.00 GHz (I don’t have it overclocked)
Windows 64 bit
NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti x 2 (SLI linked)
Is this CPU usage along the lines of what everyone else is seeing? And would anyone know of a way to lighten the burden of high CPU usage by putting more of the load on the Dual graphics cards (if that is possible, of course)?
Thanks so much for all the help
**Edit note: I also notice that my second card isn’t running at all when Unreal Engine is open, so I’m curious if an SLI linked GPU will work or if it’s something I can enable? **