Droopy Flops Dev Log (Inspired by Flappy Bird)

Droopy Flops Dev Log #3 | Feburary 13th 2023

Been a little while since the last one because I was being blocked a lot by numerous UI Widget bugs, and while I haven’t found a solution for all of them, I figured I could still post a minor update on what all has been added and adjusted.

The Character Select Menu is generally finished; I say generally because apart from bugs, the idea would be to add ways of unlocking the individual characters, so they don’t start all available, but that can be added later.

Character Scrolling:

Additionally, all UI elements have been added. This includes the above Character Select Menu, the Start Menu UI, and the Game Over UI.

Character Select Menu:

Start Menu:

Game Over Menu:

And finally, even though it’s not implemented yet, @TonyQuestBETA made this fun track that will be subtly playing in the game’s background. :slight_smile:

Here’s an entire run-through of it in its current state. (side note, something happened to the sequences, and they kind of glitch out sometimes, not sure why. I haven’t reported yet).

Droopy Flops Dev Log #2 | Jan 16th 2023

@Wertandrew and I spent the week adding the new Character Select menu to the game. While it isn’t done yet, I’ll show you what has been made for it.

@Wertandrew spent his time creating the background for the menu and all the 8-bit-looking text that goes with the characters and menu. That didn’t take much time, so Wert added a bunch of new characters to the family.

Character Select Menu:

New Characters:

And then, I took that new character drop-down menu and created the following animations.

Menu Opening:

Menu Closing:

The animation when scrolling through the characters:

The animation when selecting a character to play as:

Aside from that, I have finished coding all the verse scripts needed to utilize the menu and the other menus in the game. However, I am currently blocked from a crashing bug when I use UI, and Wert cannot open the project due to another issue, so I have yet to test or see if it works.

Start Game sequence (the title would normally be doing the animation shown in the previous dev log):

Game Over screen:

And there are a couple of small UI elements that have been added, such as a PRESS (JUMP) TO START text that disappears after the character begins jumping:

But overall, some excellent progress this week. The plan is to hopefully finish the character menu this week by adding all the appropriate characters to it. If they fix the UI bug I’m having, I can ensure the UI is all working correctly and then begin adding ways of unlocking the different characters. :slight_smile:

Droopy Flops Dev Log #1 | Jan 9th 2023

@Wertandrew and I have been working on a cool, fun Flappy Bird-inspired game called Droopy Flops. If you don’t know what Flappy Bird is, it is a game where you jump to boost your continuously falling character upward and keep yourself afloat and between the obstacles approaching you. We just started it a couple of days ago and have plans to add a bunch of cool additions, such as a menu with a character select and possibly some other game modes apart from just being the simple Flappy Bird-type game.

Wert made everything you see, from the characters and their animations to the design of the rocks and all the moving background elements and text.

Then I made thing the game you play. I tried to prototype using a lot of verse calls that were newer to me, like the JumpEvent, MoveTo, GetTransform kind of stuff. There are four sets of the obstacle rocks you see, I use MoveTo to randomize the offset position of the gap and move them towards the character. And then use the GetTransform call to constantly grab the position of where the rocks and character are to know when the character collides with anything. I also track if the bird gets too close to the top, so it doesn’t allow the player to exit the play space, and if you hit the bottom, just like regular Flappy Bird, you lose. Then to create the character jumping animation, I used a relative sequence to create the boost the character gets when you hit the Jump key. (Additionally, the character’s falling is in that same sequence, but I cut it off and restart the sequence when the player jumps again). Then, of course, I had to add a score counter to know how many obstacles you’ve passed and keep track of your high score.

I will be editing and adding more onto this post as we do more with the game, I just thought it was in a state where we could show people. Granted this game didn’t even exist 5 days ago I think the progress we’ve done on it is pretty cool so far. :slight_smile:


This is actually insane!! Love everything about this! :open_mouth:


What!!! Nice work!


So cool! A great example of something that’s possible in UEFN that couldn’t have been done in Creative. I can’t wait to see the character selector. All of those little guys look so cute. :heart_eyes:


This is insane! Especially in the short amount of time it took you guys to make it.


This is super cool! Arcade vibes!




This is amazing! Great work!


This couldn’t be more adorable, @DolphinDom!


I love everything about this. Well done!


Can’t figure out how to like it, but this is :fire:


New dev log update! More cool stuff to read, we 've been busy.


Incredible!! I can’t wait to play it. Thank you for the detailed dev log!


This update looks HUGE… you folks are jumping into the kind of features that I would have done too like character select. These little details are sooo good and I LOVE IT. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Love the update guys!

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