Drone laser scanner grid

I am trying to create a drone laser scanner that projects a grid onto the mesh.
The drone scans the mesh from different distances and angles.

My problem is (as you can see on the screenshot)
that the texture in the decal does not adjust in size and angle.

Is there a better way to create something like this?
Thank you in advance

Look into postprocess material.

What you want:

  • Z buffer filter (to apply this only on things that are close to you)
  • World coordinate grid (so it matches all meshes/models in range and has same lines on all of them)
  • probably you need changing to polar coordinates at some point which is made in UImaterial lab example from epic.

Thank you for the quick reply,
unfortunately I am not that good in Unreal that I can implement that, is there also an easier way?
I need it for cinematics.

You have tutorial here:

One of effects is what you want, however not sure about quality of this tut (did not watched it fully).

Or you can but this from marketplace:

However it will require some modifications to suit your case (centering around player, and adding some mask so it works only in forward cone at some distance)

Or search in marketplace for mat you want.

If someone needs something similar, here is a great tutorial that shows a volume decal.

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