Drone image processing...


I have images of a building from a Drone. The images process great in RC, but the drone was high up at an angle so I lose some detail at ground level.

So, my question is, if I were to take some pictures at ground level with a camera which is different resolution/image size from the drone photos, can I mix the images together in RC?

I have not tried it yet as i do not have the ground level pictures, but I thought before i spend time acquiring ground level images I would check to see if anyone knows the answer.

Thanks for the help!!

Hi Tony Scamurra
Yes, it’s possible but the alignment will need help of CPs, as mixing different resolutions needs to be carefully planned…
So you can make connections among the aerial and ground level data, or use CPs to connect it together…

Sorry for my ignorance, what do you mean by CP’s?

Hi Tony Scamurra

CPs = control points