Drone flight query : battery changes

I have discovered an issue but would like to get confirmation in some way so that I can adjust what I do in future flights.

I recently flew a small building and completed 3 sides but had to land to change batteries. When I took off to complete the 4th side I moved to a new location roughly 20m from my first take off point.

When I processed my images the images from the second flight were mis-aligined making the entire side of the model damaged. I have manually re-aligned now but am I correct in thinking that two separate take off points have caused this?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Paul,
this could be related to the changed GPS (as you turned off the drone, the setup changed slightly, as the drone’s GPS is not so precise and the satellites changed their positions during capturing).
You can try to turn off the camera priors for the second flight’s images and provide the alignment.