Hi to all i am new to blueprint
I bought a drone pack from website and i really like it but i have 1 question
In tye pack no speed widget
I was think to add one but i can not make it
The question is
I have 4 motors in the blueprint
Is it possible to print it to widget ?
No movement component in this pack even to can exctract from it tye spees
I try it in the car project
How can i make it
Is it had if i add pic from the blueprint where someone else make it and selling it ?
Maybe it will help?
Hey @yosefmawasi1
Could you show a screenshot of the blueprint or specify which pack you have? It may be easier to help with a little more information.
This is the pack its have pic of the blueprint
Thx for anyhelp
- widget with a text block:
can exctract from it tye spees
- in the drone:
But I’m uncertain whether you want to set speed or display speed. It’s a bit unclear.
It seems like there is a place to specify what your movement speed will be for each drone. The creator of the pack stated on the marketplace that they haven’t currently made a package for AI use, but you are able to change the speed.
This is one of the questions they answered:
It seems like there is a float for speed in each blueprint.
I hope this can help!

I will try to post clear pic for the blueprint maybe u could help from where to start thx a lot again
I want to have a speedmeter
And i was wondering if i have in components list 4 motors if i can find out the rpm of each …like when roll and yaw i will try u method
ops i think i forget the (is variable)
Probably, maybe, not sure, no clue. Really depends on how those comps work under the hood. Seriously doubt actual rpm is involved, but you can calculate-fake it.