I have developed a game using Blueprints. I was curious as to whether I should or even could for that matter, implement DRM into my game, or perhaps this all taken care of by steam. Could anyone who is familiar with the Digital Right Management process with publishing on steam give me some information on this topic?
The steamworks commandline application (steamcmd), provided by Valve in the Steamworks SDK, has functionality to apply Steam DRM to both windows and linux (elf) applications.
When wrapping will the game only work after it has been uploaded to steam, published, downloaded, and launched through steam? Is it possible to just test with the downloaded wrapped executable in the folder the game was packaged in by the Unreal Editor?
Is the correct file to wrap the one in the base folder GameName.exe or should it be the one in GameName\Binaries\Win64\GameName-Win64-Shipping.exe (or whichever platform you are building for)?
I haven’t been able to get it to work and I’m hoping to rule out some possible mistakes. Thanks!