Driven key in control rig?


I’m recreating my maya rig in unreal and I was wondering if there was any way to create similar functionality like driven keys in maya? Basically I need to store two poses and blend between them using a float. Is something like this possible in control rig?

I tried copying the bone two times, creating the driver poses with them, and then blending between them using an interpolate and set transform node, but I’m looking for something simpler that doesn’t require creating new bones.


There are a few different nodes to blend animations by float/bool. See:

But depending on the complexity of what you need, there’s also things like PoseBlender and PoseDriver:

Thanks, but I’m looking for a solution in a control rig, not through animation blueprint. I need to access this functionality through a controller in control rig. I’m attaching a gif of how it works in my maya rig.

Hello a-marthina, did you find a solution? I’m also looking for this solution.

Hello, unfortunately I didn’t find a way to do this. But since metahuman’s face rig controllers seem to work similarly, I believe there is a way to do it. You can try observing metahuman’s system, however It was too complex for me and I didn’t understand how they stored the individual poses.

I just found “Pose Driver.” I’m looking into that functionality. Pose Driver in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

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On good authority, I was told, “Pose driver is used in Anim blueprint. Check out the metahuman post process animbp. It allows helper joints to preserve volume.”

Just wanted to drop this info here for anyone needing a solution to this. Go to this link and look up “Pose Caching”. Should get you what you need.


Thank you. I did not see anything that says bones could drive a corrective blendshape. Would corrective blendshapes driven by bones be under a different vocabulary?