Excited to share my second Unreal Engine car cinematics with you. This time, I wanted to create something totally unique compared to ‘Red,’ using the same UE car model. Watch the clip below:
Asset used in the project:
Easy Fog by @WilliamFaucher https://www.unrealengine.com/marketpl… RealCinemaLenses_v002 by @tiedtkeio https://tiedtke.gumroad.com/l/realcin…
Hi there @jameslee_films,
Hope you’re well and having a great week so far
Forgive my car ignorance, but I have to say this looks awesome! The color choice, lighting, and sleekness are all done so well. Just curious, how long did this take you to create?
Tq, the clip took about 2 weeks, a lot of time were spent on rendering out the images due to using time dilation in the sequencer.
So fast for how great it turned out Hope to continue seeing your art around the forums. Thanks for sharing
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