Drive Metahuman ControlRig at runtime

I have set up a project where every frame I get new values for ControlRig controls.
I want to use those values to drive the Face_ControlBoard_CtrlRig.

I tried adding a ControlRig Component to the Metahuman blueprint (BP_Ada in my case), set its calss to Face_ControlBoard_CtrlRig and then call the appropriate SetControl functions.
The controls are being set correctly, as far as I can tell, but they have no effect on the animation.

Also tried changing the Animation blueprint of the FaceMesh to a very simple one that just uses the ControlRig node.

Any ideas?

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Some more information on this issue.
It looks like the “Control Rig” Animation Blueprint node creates its own instance of ControlRig which it does not expose.
I thought I’d create my own ControRig node, which inherits from AnimNode_ControlRig and set the ControlRig property to the ControlRig of the ControlRigComponent I had created but the property is private.