Hello Experts , i have a datatable around 500 frame, which content x and y position. i want to set a actor blueprint location based on these data. itried to get sequencer current time in acor blueprint but get current time node only showed in level sequencer director BP.
so the question is how can i get simiilar function (get current time) in Actor blueprint.
or is there any other way to achive this. ?

any helpful suggestion will help for me .

thank you

Sounds a bit like this:

Thank you i will give a try and update the result

i tried it and nothing happen , may be iam missing something , do i need to trigger custom even from sequencer or not ?
and one more thing , i was trying to get sequencer frame number to drive row name in get data table row , so when i play sequencer forwaard blueprint will read dara forward and if i play sequencer backward then in blueprint data can read backward , in a simple language i want to contrrl row name by sequencer frame number .