Drege Game FanArt! Wip!

Hello guys!
Here is a small wip of a FanArt i have been workin on my sparetime.
Have been using this game called Dredge as inspiration, really awesome game!
At first i was just thinking of creating a a nice model of the game with some cool lookdev to it and render it out in unreal as a simple Diorama style.
But, unreal is so cool and i was enjoying this hashtag#fluidflux system so much i ended up adding the boat to a Blueprint of a boat system and now i am navigating it around! Haha!
So cool, i will keep posting as it goes on!
Really happy to have inspiration to do some personal projects, hashtag#unreal is really awesome.
Also used hashtag#ultradynamicsky to do all those awesome weather changes with a simple click.
I will post some of the modelling and lookdev steps later on! Good week for everyone!
hashtag #unrealengine hashtag #dredge

Olá, pessoal!
Aqui está um pequeno WIP (trabalho em progresso) de uma FanArt em que estive trabalhando no meu tempo livre.
Tenho usado um jogo chamado Dredge como inspiração, um jogo realmente incrível!
No início, eu só estava pensando em criar um modelo legal do jogo, com um visual bacana, e renderizá-lo no Unreal como um diorama simples.
Mas o Unreal Ă© tĂŁo incrĂ­vel, e eu estava curtindo tanto esse sistema hashtag#fluidflux, que acabei adicionando o barco a um Blueprint de sistema de barcos, e agora estou navegando com ele! Haha!
Muito legal! Vou continuar postando conforme for avançando!
Estou muito feliz por ter inspiração para fazer alguns projetos pessoais. O hashtag#Unreal é realmente fantástico.
Também usei o hashtag#ultradynamicsky para fazer todas essas mudanças incríveis de clima com um clique simples.
Vou postar algumas etapas de modelagem e lookdev mais tarde! Boa semana a todos!

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Hi there @Cnascimentos,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far :slight_smile:

This was just so awesome to watch. The water and lighting are just stunning. But it was the ambient “vibe” of the project that just blew me away. The rain, the lightning, the music - it was all so cinematic and polished. Beautifully done :smiley: I hope we get to see more of your work soon!

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Thanks man! I am really enjoying this one i will sure post some more!

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I look forward to seeing it then! :slight_smile: Happy developing until next time :smiley: