Hello everyone. I’m new to Unreal Engine 5. I ran into a problem. Some of the stones at the track are loaded only from a very close distance. What could be the problem? Please help me. I attach a video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1amowol5WXMaUbpV4cNS3NVmC8ujOF27g/view?usp=drive_link
Hi Daderoz, Welcome to the Forum.
Just a heads-up: that video needs your permission to be viewed.
I’m sorry, my mistake. Opened access.
My first thought is that the stones might have a really aggressive LOD (Level of Detail, where a mesh has multiple sub-meshes that are shown depending on the distance from the camera)
If you open the path stones in the Static Mesh Viewer, do you see them disappearing when zooming out the camera?
Are the stones nanite? Do you have WPO on them that is not being evaluated past a certain distance?
How are the stones laid out? Spline-mesh? Landscape grass? etc?
From looking at it unsure why it might be but to suspect some underlying system within unreal that might try and cutoff behavior (WPO) or clean-up meshes (as a grass-mesh for example).
Yes, now I see that the problem is precisely in the LOD. If I set the number of LOD to “1”, then the stones stop disappearing. Can you tell me how to increase the display distance? So that they disappear only at a great distance.
Double-click a mesh in the content explorer and you can edit the LOD settings inside.
You can set the number of overall LOD’s and then edit each for reduction settings, etc
Under LOD PICKER make sure you check the ‘custom’ box so they become available for editing.
Understood, thank you so much for your help!