So how are you suposed to draw a simple line on the canvas/screen from c++? Is there only 1 way or there’s many ?
Take a look at this wiki article by Rama: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums,Create_Buttons%26_Draw_Materials
The function DrawJoyLine draws a line on the screen
Thank you, looks a lot of things but not simple, " for just a line all of this". lol
What do you mean by that? The tutorial linked by jCoder describes how to setup an entire custom HUD. You only need the following function:
FORCEINLINE void DrawJoyLine
const FVector2D& Start,
const FVector2D& End,
const FLinearColor& TheColor,
const float& Thick
if (!Canvas) return;
FCanvasLineItem NewLine(Start,End);
NewLine.LineThickness = Thick;