Rama’s blueprint node plugin has a custom line drawing node like that; together with many other useful nodes.
Hey guys!
I am currently working on a game where the player draws a dynamic path (through blueprints) and I am currently using ‘DrawDebugLine’s’ to display the path drawn. I am quite happy with how this works but this seems to limit the ability to change the colour after the line that has been drawn or destroy the line after an event is triggered.
Is there a more efficient or viable way to be able to do this through blueprint?
Thanks in advance!
Yeah, thats the one. I didnt know it wasnt editable in runtime but its still better than the default debug line and its the best you can get if you cant make one in C++ yourself i think.
Some of the nodes will definitely come in handy! Were you referring to ‘Draw Thick 3dLine from XXXXX’? from what I can see this allows a line to be drawn but still doesnt allow for editing after it has been drawn
Thanks for the quick responce!