Dragging objects with mouse

Hi there,

I would like to make a “system” that would allow player to drag the objects around. Right now I managed to make it so that I can drag a cube but the problem is that when I click on it, it jumps from its current position right into the camera. I am aiming to make something like on this video: UE4 Rigid Body Int It is also important for me to make sure that the object is dragged exactly by the point where you click with the mouse cursor. Here is the screenshot of my blueprintee4bc9b112acd655b3934b487507fda9bee0bacd.jpeg

Any help appreciated :slight_smile:

An update - I am trying to cast to Player controller from FirstPersonCharacter BP to set the Trace distance. But can’t do it. I need to make the game calculate the distance from the camera to the object, depending on hit result of the line trace. Then I want this distance to be a float value for the Trace distance in the Player controller BP.
In other words I want the character to come near the object and drag it from its place without the object jumping out of its position.
