Drag Drop - DragOver from image


Im wondering if its possible to make it so the dragover event is fired when the image i am dragging overlaps say a inventory slot? Currently the event will only be called when the mouse overlaps.

Thanks in advance,

When you start dragging your inventory item, make part of your inventory system set a bool “draggingItem” to true and then when you are dragging over each slot, make the dragover event check if that bool is checked or not

Sorry, I think your missing the point of what im trying to do so let me explain:

I have 3 blueprints:
Inventory - Grid
InventorySlot - 50x50square
InventoryItem - In this case 100x100 so taking up 4 slots

Now im trying to figure out a way on how to grab each slot that the item is hovering over, if i use the dragover event it only displays what the mouse is overlapping which is one slot. I want it to be the item image there for being 4 slots are returned.