Drag And Drop

Is the widget you’re dropping on different from the widget you drag from?

This is Inventory Widget. And i put
this on the Main Widget(Another
Widget). And my blueprints called
inside Inventory Widget.

Not getting this one.

Essentially, you need 3 widget in total to have drag and drop working.

  • a draggable widget that implements onMouseButtonDown and onDragDetected)
  • the widget that has some draggable widgets
  • a widget that implements onDrop

The draggable widget detects the drag:

The target container accepts it - make sure you do not have HitTestInvisible elements up in the hierarchy

Image from Gyazo

Okey okey its now worked thank you very much :slight_smile: I put all my blueprints into the main widget. But know i have another problem. It doesn’t follow my mouse cursor its not at cursors linage. There is an offset problem