Drag and drop objects from hud to world

Hi all i am manikanta and i am architectural designer,i need to know how to drag and drop static meshes like furniture from hud to game level and rotate and place them in realtime,can any please suggest and help

thanks in advance

Hi Manikanta,

I would start by making a widget with a texture that shows your furniture, every texture, or image would be one widget where you would store a reference to an actor class that represents the furniture in 3D space.

Next, you implement drag and drop operation, something like the link below, but you have to store the widget somewhere for later use.

Last, as you are not dropping the widget onto another widget but into 3D space, so you have to customize this part, something like this maybe (just a dummy BP, not tested by any means)

The logic is: When the right mouse button is released, check if we have dragged any widget with us, if yes, get the location of the mouse and create a new actor based on the class that was stored under the widget.

This is just a sky high overview, you need to take care of stuff like collisions, space and so one, but you get the idea.


Thank you so much ,it will help me a lot,i will just post updates later

Hi manikanta,

has this worked for you?
Can you mark the question as answered if this has resolved your issue.


Hi ,i need to try this,but a bit confusing i will try this weekend and i will mark this a completed

Thank you

Let me know if you’re stuck somewhere.


Hello, , I’m having some issue trying to do this, It says the widget is not compatible withe first person shooter character.