Downloading Marketplace content on Linux without launcher for git version of UE5

Hi! I’m a bit stuck here. I’m running Unreal Engine 5 on Linux compiled from source, what I have seen there is no version of the launcher for Linux.
I want to download this plugin: Cesium for Unreal in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace but I can’t find a direct download link.
Can anyone help me please?

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Does anyone know the answer? This plugin even lists Linux under Supported platforms.
It would be a little bit restricting if there is no other content available for Linux users other than Quixel Bridge.

Gave it a like, that launcher is very much needed also for Linux. What are the alternative options to get the marketplace content?

I have the same problem. =(
Nothing native?

Try using “Legendary”, in conjunction with “Rare” for a gui. I’ve had luck there. I too have had a slight panic with trying to get marketplace content. There will still be issues with plugins needing to be recompiled with the engine and such, but at least you can get your content.