Downloaded Unreal Engine & some Projects, Now Computer HDD full.

Good morning, hope you are doing well.

What I am trying to do is find out how to rectify my brand new computer which use to have 500 Gig of space until I installed the Unreal engine and a few projects from your / their library.

I had transferred the projects from my computers internal C drive to a different external HDD, but my computer internal C drive still remains completely full and unable to save anything to that drive any more.

All I’m trying to find out is how to either uninstall or remove or transfer whatever it is that downloading them unreal engine launcher / projects have done which has completely filled the computers HDD.

What name / what folder / what file ?
What do we need to do to regain space ?

If you have any ideas or know someone who would know what to do in this circumstance, your assistance would be much appreciated.

As at the moment, I have a brand new computer which has no memory space left after downloading and transferring the UNREAL ENGINE from your / their site and a few projects from the UNREAL ENGINE library.

My computer originally was showing enough room, heaps and plenty, but after trying to download “CITY SAMPLE” Project, although there was more than enough room for it. It showed as HDD full afterwards, it downloaded, verified, ( all other projects were already previously been transferred to another external HDD.
So I thought I would try transferring “CITY SAMPLE” project from Internal HDD to external HDD - but it was sowing the folder “CITY SAMPLE” project as completely empty, although it had downloaded about 100 gig .

My computer is showing that the internal C drive is completely full and RED.
What do / would I need to do in order to regain space on my computer’s HDD ?
Something I no longer have on this computer, it is only a month or 2 old now, much newer at the time when I tried to install the “CITY SAMPLE” project.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

In your vault in the launcher, next to each package there’s an option, ‘remove local content’.

This does not remove the assets, it just removes them from the vault cache, which is killing your machine.

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Thank you. You legend. That fixed the problem. Much appreciated.

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