Downloaded a scene but project file is not included, how to import?

I’ve downloaded a free UE environment scene on the internet. But it does not contain the .uproject file, it only have models, textures and level folder. I tried creating a new project and copy the content with Window’s Explorer, but when I open the level, the actors are there but the meshes does not show.

Here is the screenshot when I open the level: cap — ImgBB

I’m fairly new to UE, maybe there is a proper way to import these assets? Looking forward for your help.

Hi SeapVis,
That usually happens with the assets are from a newer version of UE than what you’re using.

For instance - if you are running UE 5.0 - and the assets were made in 4.27 (4.27 was actually released after 5.0).

Usually to fix it you need to open the assets in their version and “Export” then “Import” into your project.

Hey there @SeapVis! Welcome to the community! Just to expand on Recourse’s excellent answer, if the export/import fails or has odd errors and you’re sure you brought over all the relevant dependencies, the object may need to be migrated to a higher version before export. It’s rarely necessary but in some hyper specific cases it has come in handy!