Download request failed on recently purchased UE-compatible asset to a project that is clearly within engine compatible version. The asset support UE version 5.1 - 5.5, while my project is on UE version 5.3. I should be able to download it with no issue, but in reality it is not.
What type of bug are you experiencing?
URL where the bug was encountered
Steps to Reproduce
- Purchase an asset on
- Login to Epic Games Launcher
- Download purchased asset to compatible project
- Error Download request failed
Expected Result
- Download purchased asset to compatible project
- Starts to download the asset
Observed Result
- Error Download request failed
Google Chrome update november
Epic Games launcher with no indication of update button on Settings (which means it is probably on latest version)
Operating System
Windows 10
Additional Notes
This is funny. I should be able to download assets on demand wether my project is compatible or not. Let me modify and fix the expected issue myself.