In the FAB site how do I download a purchased product? I select what appears to be a download link - but only shows a download dialog - but no start button is seen.
In the FAB site how do I download a purchased product? I select what appears to be a download link - but only shows a download dialog - but no start button is seen.
If it is a texture/fbx: there should be a download button like below
If it is an unreal engine asset, open your epic games launcher and go to Library, you should be able to add the product to your project.
If you scroll down there should be Fab Library, try to click on the refresh button as well.
Or try to reinstall Epic Games Launcher
Fab library can be buggy sometimes.
(side note): i see that this plugin is ue5.4 latest so you will need to do additional workaround to make it work for ue5.5
Don’t know what you mean by scroll down – the site has no dowload operation - the only download option I see is when I select the toolkit from epic games launcher. And has nothing to download.
I’ve reinstalled all of Unreal/Pic Games - no difference.
I mean scrolling down from the epic launcher:
Otherwise try to contact the fab team from: support.fab.com/s/?ProductOrigin=FabSupport
Yes - that’s where it was - strange because I could have sworn before there was nothing there.