download Megascans again an again ???

I loaded a few objects in Megascanns by activating download on the upper right side of the icon.

After I restarted twinmotion, the downloads in the cloud library disappeared again? Is this only temporary? That would be very unproductive if you had to download them again and again.

Hi ,

Megascans assets should be stored in the QuixelCloudLibrary for later use, so you shouldn't have to redownload them every time. If you're having issues with them constantly disappearing, could you please submit a bug report here and share a video of this happening, along with your Twinmotion.log file (Where to find Twinmotion .log file)? That can help our support team figure out what might be happening.



I have waiting long time for a fix.

Nothing will come.

Now the 2023.2 is out and i have testet ist in this version of Community Edition.

There it will be work that downloaded Assets will be not downloading again after restart the Programm Twinmotion.

At This time i can not load the full version of Twinmotion 2023.2 and now i have the problem Version 2023.1.2 and will not fixed?!!

In the Community Version is the Problem now that the Preview Picture of the downloaded Assest will be white. 😣

I am very badly disappointed. I've been waiting for the problem to be solved for 8 months now. In version 2023.1.2, the issue was probably never fixed. I have now purchased the update to 2023.2 and the problem no longer occurs. I think the Epic could have been more accommodating for this problem.