At the moment i am using the ‘Download Image’ node and then saving the 2DDynamic reference it gives you, within a struct. I am using a save game file with only an array of these structs in to save these.
It works the first time i add the images in but upon reloading the game, the image reference all vanish from my structs but the other info remains.
Is this something to do with the node or do i have to convert the reference somehow?
I have tried also keeping the url reference in the same struct and loading them through a foreach loop. It comes back saying download success but no images appear
Hey Loeizd here’s my solution and it works fine.
At the Setup Images Event, I get the imgs URLs and store in an Array. Then I create one image object for each url and store the objects in an Array also.
After that I call DownloadSetImages (the call for this event is not in the image). This event calls DownloadSetOneImage.
The DownloadSetOneImage is where the loop happens. I download the image using the URL from the array and then set that to the Image Object. Then I check the current index to see if is there any more image to download. If its true, call DowloadSetImages again. Then it goes and downloads the next image.
This continues until the final URL is reached. Then the brach goes false and the loop ends. Then I add the first image of the Array to the Screen.
That’s it. After the player leaves the are I call DeleteImages event. That clears the array and it frees the memory.
I’m not sure where the images are stored, but it’s a good practice to free memory.
Feel free to ask anything. This a misterious topic. I struggled to find any information on that.