Download Button missing on Menu-Bar (need new Rocket version)

My Download Button for allowing me to download sample game content appears to be missing from my Menu-Bar. Michael Pavou was very kind in sending me an image of where the download button should properly be on the menu bar. I can not find a way to get this download button on the menu bar. I see that my Perforce is not Enabled or Connected. Could that be a problem? Is it a “connection problem”?? If so how do I fix this situation? Thanks again for everyone’s help. Much appreciated!

Which beta are you using? They’ve added it with CL1808360.

Ah that probably is the problem. I am using 1711197. I know the download link to the beta software was a one time event. How do I download the most current release? Thanks so much for your observations and help!!

Hi Hoyt,

To follow up from our offline chat - looks like the email with the new build had some problems making its way to you. As per our chat - we’ll make sure that the email for the next beta release goes through fine. We’re expecting builds to be sent out within the next few weeks.

If you failed to download the first link then you can send an email to Leslie or wait until an Epic staff helps you here. It is weekend though, so don’t panic if you can’t get a response right away. :slight_smile:

Btw, you can download some of those samples from FTP dropbox.