Downgrade UE5.4 to UE5.3

Id like to ask if it is possible to downgrade from UE5.4 to UE5.3. When i rightclicked on that project and changed version of editor it opened in that version but landscape dissapeared… Are there any major changes between those minor versions of editor?

Or is there any way to export landscape and import it into older version?

Thanks for help

Hi @Sympho !
As far as I’m aware you’re unable to downgrade engine versions. You can only upgrade. I could be wrong however.
You can try to migrate everything(or just landscape) with the migrate function or manually Copy paste the content folder and then try to fix what is not working, but the risk to brick the project Is very high, don’t forget to backup if you will try it.

Ye i tried that, but unfortunately all those migrated files were not visible in 5.3 :frowning:

After searching a bit I found but don’t know if it works. It has good reviews and is on sale right now, so I recommend giving it a look, and if you really need to downgrade, then this may be the last resort (But keep in mind that I could still be wrong since I haven’t been using unreal engine long enough to know much)

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@DeathLightCreations , Great find!

I was going to just reiterate a strong NO.

@Sympho , make sure to give them credit for this solution, because the answer really is NO you cannot downgrade… at least, not with some serious fidelity issues.

Always back up your work!!!

Thanks for that find. WIll check that