I saw some official videos for DoV and in the videos itlooks great but I have now spent quite some time to try to recreate this effect but it does not work the same as the videos. I started changing FOV to 50 and I have an image where the selector says that a close by fence is 4m away while the building in the background is 20m away. I have this as the only change and both images comes in quite clear (no blurr). I then try to do the same and thought if I make the distance changes more extreme then that will be stronger. So I change it to 2m and 40m (double and half) and it still looks very sharp. I also try to make the changes and change the aperature and still no change. Even if I dont know what bokeh is but I tried that too and again, the image is very clear on all option. The only way I can get something blurry is if I go with the minimum more or less (0.1m) but it kinda blurrs everything.
What am I doing wrong?