Double-sided mesh collisions

Hi there,

I am trying to set up a mesh that would act as a bounding volume containing physics actors.
The bounding volume should prevent actors inside from escaping and actors outside from entering the volume.
I tried to use the “Double Sided Geometry” property in the mesh editor but when I do so, every actors located inside the volume are automatically moved outside the volume instead of remaining inside…

Is this how this property is supposed to work ?
Is there a simply way to achieve what I’d like (containing actors inside and blocking actors outside) without having to modify the original mesh or using several meshes ?

Best regards,

I think i made it clear in my question that I want to use meshes only.

You can’t use a single box as you described above. You will need to create a mesh for each wall, the ceiling, and the floor while making sure that they do not overlap (just butted up together).

Do not weld any verts before import, this can cause collision issue with your pawn.

If you have any doors and windows, you will need to create them with multiple meshes and not just cut out the space. Convex collision isn’t supported in UE4. Take a look at the image below, the red boxes are the collision meshes.

You don’t get it man I don’t wanna use boxes to define the volume but instead use arbitrary shapes (like a teapot for instance) defined by meshes… So no bsp, no boxes…just meshes.
I do not want to use a bounding volume for collisions, simply per triangle collisions defined in the mesh.

Good question ! Did you find a solution ?

i would imagine you would need a hollow mesh with custom collison, think a cube within a cube. if you were using a bounding box there is a hollow option.

I am Unreal Engine v5.2.1 user. For my case, It had been solved by setting Asset editor>Details>Double Sided Geometry as True.