Door won't stay closed

So, I’ve been following a tutorial by Pixel helmet for opening and closing a door. His door opens and closes when e is pressed. Mine opens corretly, but when I hit e a second time, door slams shut then opens instead of just closing. All Blueprints are below, I’ve watched his video 30 times and can’t find any differences/ what’s wrong. A better set of eyes would be much appreciated.

Hey @kilroy59!

Try adding these lines here: In the second picture, the connection between “Open Door” and your branch is ALWAYS returning false, that’s a problem. Try that first, then if that doesn’t work add the other picture. :slight_smile:


Thank you! The second image made a definate improvement. Now if I click e a second time and then move out of the box it’ll close properly. It should close right when i click it, but, at least it’s getting useable. Being a UE newbie, ollowing the logic with these nodes is difficult at best.

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