Door with keycard help. or passcode even. how to?

New question about doors. I wanted to make a door with a keycard. i don’t know how to use devices properly. i was watching videos and they started talking about channels for conditional button and lock device and one other thing was mentioned. i searched in details but somewhat lost in that maze i think i see unlock or unable and have to assign it an array (don’t know how ). i don’t see anything related to channels on pc. i launched a new game and left a key card and would still not open or keycard would not be left on ground when starting a new game. been scratching at this for a few days utub makes it look eazy but noone show uefn version. what am i missing nothing in documention other than problems with doors. ?.

hello, if you want to open a door with a key you will need the following devices:

  1. conditional Button device.
  2. lock device.
  3. item spawner.
    Firstly you have to put the lock device on a door, and the conditional button next to the door. Put the item spawner wher you want and select the item to spawn to the type of key you want. After that you have to put in the conditional button the same type of card to allow it to interact. Finally, you have to go to the section “functions” in the lock device and add 1 element in the open/Unlock element: get a reference to your conditional button and get the event “On Activated”.
    You can check this URL that shows you the basic mechanics of a escape room where you can see this:
    Escape Room Key Mechanics

Hello again I 'am stuck on the lock device. I have three devices placed with catty cards assigned to cond. and item spawner. I go to user options functions- what do i pick actor from scene? (I tried conditional button did not work, door didn’t work, tried lock device didn’t both unlock and open elements). the rest of the steps did not work but i tried. I don’t understand get reference to cond button. and get On Activated as this was greyed out and would not let me.

I get lost on the functions- assign element. part

Okay i finally figured it out. I completed the functions and get on activated through the live edit on platform. in ps4 menu the functions and elements assigning was a bit easier to understand. In UEFN on PC the steps were much difficult to understand. but i finally got a door to work by live editing on ps4.

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