When I tried following the door tutorial for Blueprints, I placed the assets into my game’s Content folder but none of the asset references are maintained. The meshes lost references to the materials, the materials lost their references to their textures.
Has anyone successfully loaded those assets into their game without having to completely reconnect everything?
Hi Nick,
I’ll look into it. The person who wrote those and put the content together is traveling currently so it may be a few days before I have anything to report back. My guess is the assets got moved from their original locations and packaged together in a folder structure that made sense for distribution without realizing that maintaining the original folder structure is essential to keep from breaking references.
the same was for me, but in reading the way the .uasset is pathed then i doubt we’ll be able to move content from one project to another with re-linking.
i even noticed this when moving stuff about in my own project when using the windows explorer.
if you want to move assets about then you HAVE to do it via the editor
The path is relative to the content folder so I think you could move stuff between projects as long as you move everything being referenced (or the referenced content already exists in the other project in the same location) and put it in the same location within the Content folder of the new project. I think the guys are working on something to help with moving content between projects too.
Moving content around in your project using Windows Explorer will definitely break references on anything referencing what you moved. You should always do asset organization within the Content Browser.
I know this is mentioned in the documentation, but we can definitely improve it and call it out better.
once you learn not to do it out side the CB then thats fine.