Hey all im Aeon im lloking for a way to make a puzzle with BluePrint. The puzzle will work with 4 Statue each of the Statue have to look on a specific way to open the Door but i have no way on how to do that im pretty new on unreal 4 can someone help please
What have you tried so far? Show us your blueprints. Seems like a fairly easy 1 to do. Set 4 booleans, have them going to an AND gate on a branch. If it’s true the door opens…
Create 4 copys of the actor with a triggerbox (or connect to something else, but use the triggerbox -> event begin actor overlap for testing, add the real trigger when everything else is working) and with the Booleans “Statue[ID]_done”, or something like this. Replace [ID] with a number, for example 1-4. In the level Blueprint or another actorBP or whatever get all Booleans, create the AND nodes and then set every tick the Boolean “DoorIsOpen” to the result. Now you can access the boolean and check every tick in your DoorBP if it´s true and then open/close. If you couldn´t understand it, i can make it and show you the screenshots. Sirry for my bad english
Thx for your answer I understand the idea but im not sure to be able to do it if you can make me a exemple for sure it will help. lol no problem for your english mine is not better