Hi, Im new to This and i Just figure how to make a door open by pressing E , Then I was thinking it should be nice if this one closed by themself. I also manage to find a way to open the door Opposite way of my player . But Now when the door is open and im standing in the (HitBox) of the door , I cant close it myself . the door make a 180 degres and Im very clueless what i should do to make it work.
Can you show the code?
(Sorry, new users can not upload attachments). Thats the message I got when I try to put it, sadly . I dont really know how its work here maybe we can go on discord or something like that . Or if you have any tip on how to put image here ?!
I’m using this
(CustomEvent)—> play(TimeLine)Update—> (SetRelativeRotation)
(CustomEvent)Playerlocation ----------> to(GetUnitDirection(Vector)
(GetActorLocation)—> From(GetUnitDirection(Vector)—>(Dot)…
(Dot) ------> (0>=)—> (SelectFloat), A-90, B90)ReturnValue—>(Lerp)B
(EventActorEndOverlap)—> Reverse(TimeLine)1—> Alpha(Lerp)ReturnValue–
----> NewrotationZYAw(SetRelativeRotation)
I hope you will understand, I know its not like a picture
From what i see the probleme is cause my (selectFloat) make it flip 180 when the door is Activated while the door still open .
(If i put the SelectFloat) at A-180, B180 its work but i find it a lil bit wierd to make the door open that much XD
It sounds like you’re overthinking it a bit. Why would you need the player location or a dot product to control a door?
Its the only way I was able to make the door not open in my face .
I Want the door to open alway opposite way of my player . I dont use the Hitbox of the door to open it but the CameraBoom
But yeah you probably right , I make it a lil bit to complicated for a door
Thanks for you time