I want to make a door rise, like FNAF, if you know this game. But it still dont wor. Can help me?
is the door mesh movable? is the timeline location value bigger than 0?
Yeah, and its doesnt work
Where does Location E come from?
How big is the “transform” variable? Sometimes people plug in 0-1 values as if it were an alpha channel and that won’t get you any noticeable movement. The transform should be in the hundreds to thousands.
I will try this.
From the Timeline Function. It’s a Vector.
Location E can’t come from the timeline. It had to be set somewhere else and you add the timeline vector to it for a final output. Otherwise it will just be 0,0,0
Sorry, yeah, youre right. Its a vector variable. So i need to put in Z = My Value?
But no, i put 400, i don’t understand
You need to have “location E” be set to the starting point of your door and then have the timeline add its value to that starting point over time so the door will move to an increasing vector location over time. 400 should be good enough to get that effect.
Yeah, but it still dont work. I tried to make just → When E is pressed, changeDoorRelativeLocation but it dont work too. Maybe its my Relative location which not good. I send some screens
Yea but still don’t see where you set the variable Location E
But here :
That’s not it…you need to “get world location” of the door mesh and set it to “location E” and set it before you call the timeline
Sorry I am not able to give you screen shots but you can’t set it up like that. The flip flop node would have to be after you set the location and you would need to subtract the value on reverse etc etc I have a tutorial making an elevator and a door for that elevator using a timeline that is more or less what you are trying to do. You can skip around to find where I create the door you don’t need to watch the entire video but here is the link. Hopefully this clarifies some stuff for you.
Also I would just use set world location not relative.
So, instead of trying you figure out what you did wrong, I’m going to walk you through the steps of doing it right!
1st of all, in your actor, the door CAN’T be the root component. So in this example, I’m setting a BoxCollision as Root, and the DoorMesh is attached to it.
Then, to copy your setup, i will have the E key flip flop on the Play/Reverse for the timeline.
I personally don’t like to use Vectors inside the timeline because the timeline editor is terrible for other than floats.
So instead, as you can see, i just created an Alpha value to drive a VLerp outside of it.
And that’s it, this setup works, guaranteed.
show us the component setup… was the door mesh the root component all along?