
**** filter!

Other than that, everyone I’ve talked to seems to be hyped for DOOM 4. A couple guys in the Doom scene I talked to on IRC today immediately noticed the similarities to Brutal Doom.

**** filter!

Other than that, everyone I’ve talked to seems to be hyped for DOOM 4. A couple guys in the Doom scene I talked to on IRC today immediately noticed the similarities to Brutal Doom.

I hope it does have some reseblence to Brutal Doom.

Puts Unreal Tournament to shame :P.

Doom 4 is insta buy for me.

WHAT!!? It didn’t look like it put Unreal tournament to shame.
But I will end up buying it too. :slight_smile:

Just want to point out that it’s just “Doom” and more of a franchise reboot than a sequel to Doom 3. Also it looks bad ***.

Doom didn’t look reboot to me.

Same crappy UAC mars space station. I was honestly hoping for the Original maps from Doom 2 but in modern graphics.

Well… When it comes out we can make remake the missions from doom2! :slight_smile:

^ I wonder if it will support steam workshop?

Bethesda isn’t the devs for this game. I saw some crappy console map editor that makes all maps look the same. Hoping it will have real modding on the PC if so insta buy for me cause someone will remake the old doom 2 maps for it I am sure.

Same here man. Modding is the reason I didn’t buy an Xbox 360 when it came out, I instead got a PC! (Much to my parents confusion.)

I was sure someone would create a Doom 4 thread :slight_smile:

I’ve watched the E3 video half a dozen times, it looks so **** !

Hell gameplay is very intense and gory as hell :wink:

This + Oculus Rift…

Bethesda just owned this year’s E3.

Generally I’d say the game looks good.

The only problem I have is what seems to be conflicting gameplay styles.

See the game seems to have elements of the older DOOM games (faster combat, brutality, not reloading) while also having parts of DOOM 3 (low amount of enemies, more linear based environments).
Although this seems great in theory, I feel like it can cause the game to be…odd.
The gameplay styles should have been seperate.
If they wanted to make it a survival horror game it should be a survival horror game.
If they wanted to make it a 90’s FPS shooter it should have been that.

I guess my main issue is that it’s Bethesda.
Now don’t get me wrong, Bethesda is my favorite modern-day game company without a doubt.
However, they tend to make my story-driven/world based games.
Having them re-imagine a 90’s FPS seems…not bad, just interesting I guess.

The again it’s Bethesda, so I can’t see how they will mess this up.
They usually know what they are doing.

My only other problem with the game is the rather odd executions.
They were cool, but I particularly hated the way the Doomguy was killed.
It made him seem so…powerless.
Which goes back to my conflicting gameplay styles complaint.
I hope, playing the game, I don’t feel like I’m going through something out of Dead Space.
I mean let’s be honest, the title “DOOM” definitely isn’t referring to humanity…

Additionally, I wish the executions were visual in terms of the gore.
In other words, instead of highlighting enemies in blue the indicator should be mutilated enemies.
For example, if the player shoots an Imp and sees one of it’s arms are severed, that should indicated that an execution can be performed.
again, I guess the fact that the game doesn’t rely on a huge button prompt is a plus and a half.

Let’s hope we can get a way to remove the yellow filter as well!

With that said, I’m still really excited for DOOM 4.
Overall the game looked like it will be a huge amount of fun!
It’s great that DOOM 4 is finally happening.


^ bethesda isn’t the devs. And thats the real issue with this, one can only hope this game will support steam workshop and maybe a nice big domain on nexus mods

I’m rather upset with myself for not realizing ID Software was developing this.

In that case let’s hope a DOOM game withou Carmack and the others is just as good as with.
Hopefully the developers at Id do not forget the face of their fathers.

I’m almost certain this game will make use of the steam workshop.

I’m REALLY hoping for a nexus mods DOOM 4 domain.
That would be great.

Speaking of mods, what does everyone think of the new DOOM 4 sdk, SnapMap?
Do you think mod support for this game will be just like that of the previous games?
Less mod support? More?

Long days and pleasant nights (I making a a lot of references today).


Not your fault, the way Bethesda carries about themselves you would have no clue ID developed. I expect them to give us a Skyrim type of modding scene for Doom 4 since they are the publisher.

I am still concerned about paid modding though. They will return one day with this ****

I’d be fine paying for total conversions.
Other than that I’m not into payed mods.

It’s not that I don’t respect modders, I do.
However, to pay $5 for an armor re-skin or something or the sort is just absurd.
If I saw the modder put a lot of work into their mod (i.e. Underhell for Half-Life 2) I’d be happy to pay.
Otherwise, I think mods should be free.

Not to mention mods are built off of existing assets, so most modders don’t have to do too much work because the developers give them everything they need.

I would love DOOM 4 to be placed on the steam workshop.


I been a fan of DOOM since the SNES. And I was very impressed when Doom 4 was shown at E3. Honestly during the reveal I was so excited I wanted to cry. Haha. It was like my childhood being reborn in front of me. Haha. I can’t wait until it’s released.

Never played the SNES version… Just DOS.

It was pretty cool. The music was . And it was hard. Haha. Back .