Hi all,
I got a question. I’m making some doom-like enemy sprites. That means that we got a sprite, but when we move around it, you can see the left side, back, right side and front again. I’ve already completed that part and the sprite is always facing me.
But the problem is when the enemy is chasing me and moves to the west or east (read sideways) from himself, I want to see the side of him. I made 8 flipbooks with animations, so in this part I need to see the side animation. So when the enemy chance it’s yaw, it’s means I need to see another flipbook. But the yaw is already used for facing the camera, so when chancing the yaw the sprite turns and the flipbook is still the same.
I’ve got the blueprint of the 8 angles for the flipbook if you want it, but I used this for the basics
I hope you understand the problem, because it’s hard to explain.
Cheers Dave