I’m making a projectile flight system. I took the default FPS example as a basis, but replaced the projectile actor with my own implementation.
I disabled physics and built an actor with the following components:
Система движения объекта реализована через узел Add Actor World Transform:
What do I need?
I need to get the collision and intersection event of this projectile with StaticComponentActor. Currently, this system works with simple Actors, but not static level elements.
Thank you for your answers, I will be glad for any help!
Your collider’s Object Type is set to WorldStatic, and as such will not be tested against other static objects, change the preset to custom and set type to WorldDynamic.
I do not believe you can get both overlap and hit events, either it blocks (as you have it set up now) in which case the engine resolves the collisions and no overlap ever happens, or it doesn’t in which case you can have your overlap events but no collision handling from the engine.
Just to add to what @silnarm said, you can go without the “Add Actor World Transform” and add a “Projectile Movement Component” and set the movement there!
Hope this helps!
Of course, I understand that it will not be possible to achieve both collision and overlap. I don’t need this, in this case I was just trying to get at least some response when overlaying the projectile on StaticMesh.
You have overlap events there, but the Collision Responses are all set to Block, so they will never fire.
From the graph you just posted, it looks like you handling the collision yourself anyway (Bounce function), so I am guessing you want overlap events, not block; in which case just change all the collision responses to Overlap.