Don't see option "Open Visual Studio" in UE4 File menu

Guys, after opening shooter game in UE4 4.7, there is no option in file menu, to open visual studio, yet this option is available if I create my own project via launcher. Anyone knows what causes this behavior?

Thank you.

That must be the ‘blueprint only’ project; No C++ code generated.

I’m not really sure about it (although I’m probably wrong), but there is c++ code for that project. Any thoughts?

Maybe try right-clicking on your .uproject file and regenerate the visual studio project files, then open the .sln and rebuild the project. Pretty sure I had to do something like that before when converting a BP project to a C++ one to make the Open in VS option available.

Hi @Hum, I did what you’ve suggested and indeed that brought back this missing option.
Alas, when I’ve tried to open this project in VS2013 I’m getting following error:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the “Migration Report” displayed after clicking OK.
- ShooterGame, “E:\UE4_Projects\ShooterGame\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ShooterGame.vcxproj”
- UE4, “E:\UE4_Projects\ShooterGame\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UE4.vcxproj”

No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- Engine, “Engine”
- Games, “Games”
- ShooterGame, “E:\UE4_Projects\ShooterGame\ShooterGame.sln”

Any ideas what to do to be able to open them with VS2013?


@Hum & @BrUnO XaVIeR
First of all I want to thank you guys for helping me.

Secondly I’ve fixed it. After browsing for hours on end and trying countless suggestions from MS sites, none of them worked…
In the end what I’ve done is, simply reinstalled VS and it works.

That brings me to conclusion that right clicking on uproject and generating VS project/solution from it can in certain scenarios break Visual Studio.

Thanks guys.

Hi . Sorry I forgot to check back on this thread. I’m glad you found a fix for it :slight_smile:

Man, you’re in Ireland too? Where about? I’m in Wicklow, close to Rathdrum.

Small world! I’m in Naas in Kildare, not far from you :slight_smile:

And so was born NaasWick Software, the vast games studio that went on to be known as NaasWick EA ActiBlizz Inc. :slight_smile:

Good one, and so true, so true! :wink:

Great! Drop me a line from time to time. Don’t be a stranger.

Best regards

And God only knows, maybe as Jezcentral said, maybe we will work on some great project together! :wink:

I’m a programmer (love C++), but I’m also brilliant dancer as well :wink: oops, I’ve just let you know that I’m HUGE Father Ted fan. And Dougal too.

NaasWick has a ring to it :smiley:

Father Ted? A patriot like myself then :slight_smile:

I’m a programmer too, I guess, only been doing it for a couple of years so I’m nothing like the hardcore guys on these forums. Before that I’ve worked as a 3D artist in architecture for years. I dont get much 3D done since I fell in love with coding but it’s nice to be a jack of all trades sometimes.

I’ll send ya a friend invite on the launcher, maybe we’ll work on something some day or maybe I’ll catch ya at a local gamejam or something. Would be cool to work on an Unreal project with someone, everyone I know uses Unity.

That would be great.
Looking forward to hear from ya!

Best regards

Are you using Source Control at all? I’ve found that I have to check out the .sln and the .vcproj files in order to re-build the binaries before.

EDIT: See you’ve solved it, no worries!