DoN's 3D-Pathfinding / Flying-AI system (with full source!)

The real issue here is the validity of payload. After your actor has been blown up, the node memory reserved for this behavior tree task is no longer valid and since the payload is obtained from the node memory, it is invalid too.

The quickest workaround for you will be to ensure that any A.I. being destroyed aborts all its behavior tree tasks prior to expiry. Aborting the Fly To task will instantly tell the manager to clean up the active pathfinding request so by the time its done the pawn(/payload) won’t turn out to be a dud. Calling BTComponent->StopTree on your behavior tree may be sufficient; whatever approach you choose, just test to ensure Unreal is calling UBTTask_FlyTo::AbortTask before your pawn is destroyed.

A plugin-level fix is going to be involved at this stage. It will require removal of the void* payload used by the existing result delegates and replacement with a non- structure (containing weak pointers to the ownercomp and a copy of the ActiveInstanceIdx).This will ensure that payloads will always be received by value rather than by reference. I probably won’t be getting around to this any time soon, so for those who are’t able to code this fix, higher-level workarounds like the one above are suggested.

PS: OwnerComp is a TWeakObjectPtr (internally a struct, rather than an object pointer), so IsValid() / Get() / etc are guaranteed to be safe operations :)

Ah okay, cool. Calling BTComponent->StopTree before destroy is no problem. Thanks!! I figured the same about TWeakObjectPtr (IsValid() / Get()), but was in a hurry to get to bed, lol. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Thanks for this great plugin man.

Great plugin you have here man, I can see a lot of effort has gone into writing it really so you should be really proud of yourself :smiley: Anyway I just wanted to ask about how scalable it is. Cause in my scenario, I want to simulate about 4000 actors at the same time (worst case) and just having 200 with Ignore repathing for direct goals turned off gives a horrible performance and there seems to be a huge memory leak when that happens too. The thing is that if I leave it as true, the bots go through the obstacle, am I doing something wrong here? also the map is huge, so the voxel size is set to 10,000. I know this will affect the accuracy but I think with that Boolean set to true, there should be no problem?

Your answer will be of great help, and thanks again :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile: It was written over 2+ years for my game :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s many different things to discuss here, but I’ll skip to workflow recommendation first:

Recommended workflow for large maps:
The plugin supports an “Infinite/Unbound” manager which should be your go to for large worlds or procedural worlds with ever-changing collision geometry. See documentation for setup instructions.

CPU Performance:
All workload is distributed over multiple ticks so the plugin is guaranteed to never eat up your CPU beyond a fixed workload. You should use the *MaxPathSolverIterationsPerTick */ MaxCollisionSolverIterationsPerTick variables to configure what the acceptable fixed workload is for your project.

What you’re seeing is not a memory leak, but lazing loading of the Bound manager’s various caches. The bound manger was simply not designed for huge worlds because the memory cost quickly becomes unreasonable.
The good news is that the Infinite/Unbound manager scales up to any map size without costing you any extra memory! However because it is cacheless, the performance of the infinite manager is significantly lower than than bound manager so you’ll need to keep MaxPathSolverIterationsPerTick very low to maintain your frame rates.

Most people aren’t aware of the Infinite map size feature apparently, but it is a big part of the plugin’s offering and ideal for certain kinds of projects.

Thanks a lot for your fast reply man :smiley: I tried the unbound and it’s pretty much what we need when the parameters are optimized for our needs so thanks for mentioning that. Only problem is that repathing based on dymanic obstacles, doesn’t work properly. It only works if an obstacle is static and hasn’t moved by the time of initial requesting of a path. If the obstacle moves, the actors pass through it almost all the time. Are there certain parameters that I should be changing to help with this issue? Like voxel size? Also is dynamic repathing there anyway for the unbound manager out of the box?


Repathing is not currently supported in the unbound manager I’m afraid…

Technically possible, just hasn’t been implemented. Off the top of my head you’ll need to store the collision listeners in a new data structure that supports arbitrary volume ids (eg: TMap<FSomeVolumeIdentifierStruct, TArray<MyCollisionListeners>) and you’ll also need to implement an unbound version of ScheduleDynamicCollisionUpdate that analyzes the voxels occupied by a given dynamic obstacle (using the same “voxel collision profile” technique used by the bound manager) and fires off delegates to all interested pawns (using the new TMap). Cleaning up listeners after a pawn is done with path traversal is necessary too. You might run into some other niggles as is always the case with things like this :slight_smile:

New DoN Plugin on Marketplace :slight_smile:

If you enjoyed DoN’s free 3D Pathfinding plugin, do check out the latest piece of DoN’s technology stack, now available for purchase!

**Marketplace Link - “DoN’s Mesh Painting with Paint Blob Collisions”


Check out the online knowledge-base for more details on workflow, features, etc:

forum thread: ❀ DoN's Dynamic Mesh Effects ❀ - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums!

It’s been an amazing ride with this 3D-pathfinding plugin which started it all; I hope finds the new mesh-painting plugin just as useful, and hopefully even more so! :slight_smile:

With :heart:,

Hi ,
I love the work you’ve done on DON Flying Navigation! We are planning on using it for our game we are developing. However, we are using a source built version of the engine, and I was wondering if there is any you can supply a .zip of the plugin files for 4.16 as you have done in the past? As far as I know, it’s not possible to use marketplace plugins on the source built engine. And we would really like to use yours!

Please let me know :slight_smile:

Hey, there should definitely be no issues using a marketplace plugin with a source build, I’ve done that often.

Just install the plugin on a binary version of the engine first and then *migrate *it out from there to your own project’s plugin directory or your custom engine build.

So move the plugin from <YourBinaryEngineInstall>\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace to <YourProject>\Plugins or <YourCustomBuild>\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace (haven’t tested the latter case, because I usually put mine with the project)

After that you may need to open your project’s Build.cs file (“YourProject.Build.cs” ) and add the “DonAINavigation” module as a public dependency.

Cool, this is great to hear! I did not know that this was possible. Thanks.

Trying to use this plugin in 4.16 but there is an error when compiling…

ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: E:\ProjectSurvival\ProjectSurvival\Plugins\DonAINavigation\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-DonAINavigation.suppressed.exp
Total build time: 11.22 seconds (Local executor: 0.00 seconds)
LogModuleManager:Warning: Found module file E:/ProjectSurvival/ProjectSurvival/Plugins/DonAINavigation/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-DonAINavigation.dll (API version 3299760), but it was incompatible with the current engine API version (3452394). This is likely a stale module that must be recompiled.
LogInit:Warning: Still incompatible or missing module: UE4Editor-DonAINavigation.dll

Hey tbjbu2,
I’m not sure if this is the same as your error, but when I was adding the DON Navigation Plugin to my UE4.16 Source, I found that it was getting confused in the DonNavigationManager.h looking for methods called by a UBoxComponent*, and I fixed this by adding a include line in DonNavigationManager.h as follows:

include “Runtime/Engine/Classes/Components/BoxComponent.h”

Maybe this will help. If not, it looks like your DonAINavigation.dll is an older version than the Engine, perhaps if you do what said, download the 4.16 and the plugin from the marketplace and copy it over to your source build. You may still have to include the box component header.

Hope this helps!

You’re seeing a setup/environment issue of some sort rather than a compilation issue. Here’s a thread that has a few different solutions, more can be found online too.

Gist of it being: Try cleaning up the intermediate, binaries folders (in the plugin) to compile from scratch again; if it’s a blueprint-only project try adding a blank C++ class; if it’s a source build try some of the suggestions from earlier in this thread…

Assuming you’re using the marketplace 4.16 version and not an older download meant for previous versions of the engine.

Still doesnt work :frowning:

Any way you can upload an updated version?

Need more information here.

Without knowing whether you’re building from source, or a Blueprint-only project or which version of the plugin you downloaded for your testing, it’s hard to say what could be going wrong.

All the latest versions are already uploaded, either on the marketplace (4.16, 4.15) or in the title post. There isn’t any other version which would make a difference I’m afraid.

Some environment issue specific to your project/build setup is coming into play here, which is why more information about your setup is needed.

oh lol, I downloaded the 4.5 version from somewhere xD
Trying this now…
Works xD
Thanks a lot!

Waiting for a 4.17 version :slight_smile:

This sounds awesome!

4.17 ETA

Some major features and bugfixes are planned for 4.17 so I’ll need a couple of weeks to submit this to the marketplace.

Need to merge a fair amount of code from my local build for the plugin (where some new stuff has been brewing! :)) before I get to this…