Yes source should be provided with this one at least. I haven’t gathered any official information on this topic but looking at the plugins on the marketplace my best guess is that it’s up to individual authors or something like that.
Cool…yeah, I’ve made a few minor modifications that are necessary for my game so hopefully this is the case
Thank you very much for this plugin,
how the unbound navigation manager is used? The pawn refuse to move when I have that volume placed. The “Fly To”-command stays active, but nothing happens. The volume covers the pawns. With normal manager, the pawns move normally. Also noticed the normal manager crashes the editor sometimes if unsuitable destination location is set. Using now the “is location within navigable world and beneath landscape” checks, but randomly the destination dosent seem to be suitable. That seem to cause sometimes long freeze when stopping playtest in viewport.
Edit: Nevermind, got unbound option working now too. Added abort for “fly to” when new location is set. Seems like it didnt like to get location right after game start.
Hey, thanks SaOk.
Are you seeing any warnings/errors in the output logs? Is this the marketplace version or one of the previous downloads?
[Marketplace Version] Infinite Manager crash fix
I discovered that the marketplace version has a bug for the Infinite manager where it crashes the sample map. Those who need an immediate fix can download the fixed BTTask_FlyTo.cpp and paste it inside the DonAINavigation\Source\DonAINavigation\Private\BehaviorTree folder (marketplace plugins are installed inside *<Your4.15EngineDir>\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\i]) You can also use any of the previous plugin downloads on the website although this one has some important bugfixes (apart from this bug that crept in!)[/spoiler]
@SaOk - I’m not sure this will help you as you’re not seeing any crash in the first place so your issue may lie further upstream.
Your other questions:
No special steps should be necessary. Remove the previous manager, add the unbound manager (DonNavigationManagerUnbound) and configure the voxel size. You don’t even need to change the grid size/etc because it’s not used. If the pawn is not moving, check the output logs for errors/warnings.
The normal manager should not be crashing. Your output log (<project>/saved/logs/<projectname>.log) may have information on what triggered the crash that I can use to diagnose this.
It takes a bit of trial and error to get the setup right; VoxelSize and AutoCorrectionGuessList in particular. The output log will tell you exactly why a location was found unsuitable. If you share that snippet and/or a screenshot of the unsuitable location it will be possible to deduce what happened.
This is more likely due to large memory consumption in Editor/Debug builds than any of the other issues. If your X/Y/Z grid was set to a somewhat high value then the memory allocated shoots up quickly and when you stop playing it takes a while to release all those resources. Packaged builds tend to consume much less.
Hope this helped!
Thank you, I will try that FlyTo-update even the unbound is working so far great now. Also will check the voxelSize and AutoCorrection. I will let you know if finding something.
This was the crash when I didnt use the checks if the destionation is suitable:
[2017.03.17-22.36.52:768][806]DoNNavigationLog:Error: Destination X=340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000 Y=340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000 Z=340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000 is outside world bounds. Please clamp your destination within the navigable world or expand world size under settings if necessary.
[2017.03.17-22.36.57:709] 67]DoNNavigationLog:Error: Pawn’s initial position overlaps an obstacle. Pathfinding will not work from here, pawn needs to move to a nearby free spot first.
[2017.03.17-22.37.00:565] 67]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2017.03.17-22.37.00:565] 67]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2017.03.17-22.37.00:565] 67]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000c
[2017.03.17-22.37.00:565] 67]LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-DonAINavigation.dll!ADonNavigationManager::SchedulePathfindingTask() [d:\build++portal++full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\donainavigation\source\donainavigation\private\donnavigationmanager.cpp:2084]
[2017.03.17-22.37.00:565] 67]LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-DonAINavigation.dll!UBTTask_FlyTo::SchedulePathfindingRequest() [d:\build++portal++full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\donainavigation\source\donainavigation\private\behaviortree\bttask_flyto.cpp:107]
@SaOk - Can you turn off “Draw Debug Volumes” on the Fly To node? The crash is caused by trying to render a debug volume which doesn’t exist, so turning off DrawDebugVolumes will resolve the crash for now without any code changes.
Fix is easy though, so I’ll bundle it up with the other changes and submit to the marketplace after more feedback comes in.
Sure, also using the new FlyTo. So far no problems anymore. Thanks again for making this. Had been waiting ways to do air pathfinding. Was using splines but this is much better. Cant wait to create some proper alien drone to use with this.
Great to hear Feel free to post any videos of your stuff in action!
New thread!
I’ve created a new thread in the marketplace section seeing as this plugin has been officially released.
Post any new feedback/issues/etc in the new thread
love this! i have a problem with the 4.15 when i place a Don Navigation Manager in the level and build for windows 64 the game crash at begin ,
when i delete don nav from the level and build again it work perfectly, there are some fixes for that? thank you !
Can you try out the latest Github version? It has bugfixes that haven’t been submitted to the marketplace yet.
Binaries are included in the github version for your convenience in case you have a blueprint-only project.
Hi, . Need some help from you, is there any possibility to ignore classes of actors but not specific actors on the map through pathfinding?
How do you get the plugin working with a custom-source built UE4 engine? I am using 4.15.2 and put the plugin source into my engine source’s .\Engine\Plugins\ folder and re-generated the project files. However, I get this when attempting to compile:
Got the same question @
PD: Amazing Work!
You can update the “Obstacle Query Channels” on the Nav Manager to only check actors that fit the specified collision profiles. Would that work for yoU?
I build with custom engine from source and threw my plugin in within my project:
Then, make sure your build.cs file looks something like this:
// Copyright 1998-2014 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using UnrealBuildTool;
public class Prizefighter : ModuleRules
public Prizefighter(TargetInfo Target)
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "GameplayTasks" });
// DoN Navigation
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "DonAINavigation" });
PrivateIncludePathModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "DonAINavigation" });
PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string] { "DonAINavigation/Public", "DonAINavigation/Classes" });
Then, make sure you generate project files again. I think that’s all you need to do? It’s been a while since I set it up
Hey, this must be something to do with 4.15’s "Include What You Use"compile optimization.
For now, try disabling IYWU for this plugin by going toDonAINavigation.Build.cs and setting this flag there:
bEnforceIWYU= false;
Btw, I don’t always receive a mail notification for posts; posting in the support thread is easier for me to find
PS: 4.16 support incoming, needs some code changes first!
rcdarcey: thanks! Got it working.
Crash, I think when the pathfinding actor was destroyed:
[2017.07.18-03.46.26:892][953]LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!FWeakObjectPtr::IsValid() [c:\dev\ue4\4.15.2\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\weakobjectptr.cpp:48]
[2017.07.18-03.46.26:892][953]LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-DonAINavigation.dll!UBTTask_FlyTo::TaskMemoryFromGenericPayload() [c:\dev\ascentroid\plugins\donainavigation\source\donainavigation\private\behaviortree\bttask_flyto.cpp:147]
[2017.07.18-03.46.26:892][953]LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-DonAINavigation.dll!UBTTask_FlyTo::Pathfinding_OnFinish() [c:\dev\ascentroid\plugins\donainavigation\source\donainavigation\private\behaviortree\bttask_flyto.cpp:167]
Should (bttask_flyto.cpp line 147):
auto ownerComp = (payload && payload->OwnerComp.IsValid()) ? payload->OwnerComp.Get() : NULL;
auto ownerComp = (payload && payload->OwnerComp != NULL && payload->OwnerComp.IsValid()) ? payload->OwnerComp.Get() : NULL;