I downloaded several models and animations from mixamo. And I would like to know that
1: do I have to dawn load animations for every single character separately?
2: when importing characters into unreal engine, instead of having it create skeletons for each character s, can I choose one of those character’s skeleton for all characters ?
I tried the second one my own.
I did this: First I randomly import one character,and then I import the rest choosing the first imported skeleton. But seems this way they don’t work well. Animations are weird.
I was thinking that maybe they use the same skeleton can share animations.
I am assuming you are using UE5. Instead of trying to refit the skeletons in engine to an already existing one, it is better to set up IK retargeting. The same applies to animations. Check out this non-Epic affiliated tutorial on how to do so and this plugin from the marketplace that can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you: