Don`t generate build solution project

I create fps template c++ and shows me compile error.

 Fatal Error: Failed to open/create session data
 Failed to open/create session data: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
 ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\Users\HP\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-MyProject.dll

I use vs 2015, vs 2017
Generated for version 2015

Please help me

Creating makefile for shooter (no existing makefile)
 @progress push 5%
Parsing headers for shooterEditor
  Running UnrealHeaderTool "C:\Users\HP\Documents\Unreal Projects\shooter\shooter.uproject" "C:\Users\HP\Documents\Unreal Projects\shooter\Intermediate\Build\Win64\shooterEditor\Development\shooterEditor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Reflection code generated for shooterEditor in 13,1959202 seconds
 @progress pop
Performing 15 actions (4 in parallel)
[2/15] Resource ModuleVersionResource.rc.inl
[3/15] Resource PCLaunch.rc
cl: ????????? ?????? warning D9002: ??????? ???????????? ????????? "/source-charset:utf-8"
cl: ????????? ?????? warning D9002: ??????? ???????????? ????????? "/execution-charset:utf-8"
c:\program files\epic games\ue_4.17\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Windows/WindowsPlatformCompilerSetup.h(19): error C2338: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 is required to compile on Windows (
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\Users\HP\Documents\Unreal Projects\shooter\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-shooter.dll

c:\program files\epic games\ue_4.17\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Windows/WindowsPlatformCompilerSetup.h(19): error C2338: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 is required to compile on Windows (

Go install VS2015 Update 3.

I install, its not work(
I generate for vs 2017 show me this error

c:\program files\epic games\ue_4.17\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Windows/WindowsPlatformCompilerSetup.h(19): error C2338: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 is required to compile on Windows (

You need to enable VS2017 in your project options. It’s not on by default.

I enable in project options