DOF Control on a Cine Camera, wouldnt it be great if...

Hey All, i’m working on a project to make a real scale model look like a smaller physical model, so looking for all the kinds of effects that achieve this, among others DOF plays a huge part in this. Now I can achieve DOF but my ‘issue’ is it’d be great if there was finer control on it.

I understand the Cine camera is trying to be more ‘real world’ however the beauty of it being digital should be ultimately we get full granular control so if we don’t like somthing that happens in real world we can change it. For example…

In the old school Mobile DOF settings which are still visible although in camera / Postprocess deactivated by default now from 4.23 there are multiple settings to control every part of the DOF range. This graphic supplied by the documents sums it up for me on what I’d like to see in a Cine camera…

Because I’m fudging model scale, and for other reasons I can’t just scale the model down to suite my DOF range is too limited and I get vast swats of model that are DOF’d out which I don’t want, having the below diagram settings would effectivly fix this for me being able to control the Near transition, focal region and far transition would be…Epic!

Any idea’s if this would be possible and on a roadmap?

I’ve boosted the Aperture to exaggerate what I mean, as I am at real scale the camera would never get the kind of DOF i would like (to fake the physical model style) and when I use very low Aperture figures to get the DOF i get a incredibly narrow area of focus. the area in Red to be exact, ideally I’d like to be able to have a near and far transition to control as well in order to achieve this effect (imagine a gradient of DOF spanning out to thoes lighter blue lines).

That and Tilt shift would be incredibly useful in Cine Cameras, for architectrual projects!