theUberPP = UberPostProcessEffect(LocalPlayer(ePlayerOwner.Player).PlayerPostProcess.FindPostProcessEffect('TheNameOfTheUberPP')); // do this only once, at init
theUberPP.FocusPosition = CrosshairHitWorldLocation; // this we got already in the trace
I have a dynamic depth of field post process shader (from the old forums/links dont work anymore).If you want i can upload it for you guys but it will be in probably a week as my
gpu died and im waiting for the new one to arrive from the UK.
for me the code solution works better than a pure shader solution for the DoF focus point (even if I’m also using a custom DoF shader). the reason being that I can interpolate the FocusPoint over time rather than having instant focus changes
but for others it might be useful
@, sorry to be a noob, but where can I find what the name of my Uber post process is? I currently have ‘none’ set under ‘World Post Process Chain’ in my map’s world info properties.
@, nevermind, i managed to get a reference to my UberPostProcessEffect in the chain.
However when I’m in game testing it out. The dof focus doesn’t follow the hit location from my trace.
I know that the trace is correct (as i’m outputting the name of what I’m looking at and it’s correct). On my map, under ‘World Properties’ I have set ‘DOF Focus Type’ to ‘FOCUS_Position’.
However the focus point just seems to be static.
I’m really not sure what I’m missing. I’m able to enable/disable the UberPostProcessEffect through my reference, so i know I’m using the active effect node.
Any ideas on why the DOF doesn’t focus on the trace targets?
Edit: I just figured out I needed to uncheck the focus position option in world properties. It seems, if checked, this has precedence.
So the issue I see with this effect is that when you focus on something some distance away, everything comes into focus from the players view point, all the way to the focal point. I would expect when focusing on a distant object, peripheral view of closer objects would blur.