I am setting 1 to Select Job Variable but it stays 0. How fix?
You cannot set replicated values on the client side, it is server only. According to your code, if you are executing Select Job on all clients, why do you have Select Job Var as replicated with repnotify? You should use either Select Job function and Select Job Var not replicated, or have Select Job Var replicated and set it on the server and do not use Select Job function.
I set function Select Job = Run on Server and var sel job rep, and it stays 0
I see what you mean. Can you add Switch Has Authority and see if value has changed?
No. Can it be becaus of Select Job is calling from widget?
oh, widget? is it UI widget? If yes - then it comes from the client. On a client side you cannot change values.
But if check rep by this way i think it replicated. Do you know better way to check replication?
No. I have button in widget ui. On Button click i call server only event from my character. Should it work?
The way how you did on a screenshot should work. Tooltip looks like wrong, but value as expected, right?
Just noticed, since you have execute on server function, then you do not need that switch anymore.
I filed a bug report few months ago about tooltips and values. It might be related, may be not, anyway: Invalid attached capsule radius in watch value and tooltip - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums