Hello friends,
in the event dispatcher videos, communication between widget and level is provided through “assign or bind event” events. I have no problem with this, I do it as shown and it works. However, when I defined the widget blueprint as a variable on the level blueprint screen, I noticed that the event dispatcher was also defined as an event in the panel on the right of the screen. But my attempts were unsuccessful and I could not find how this box works. My Google searches did not yield any results because I could not find the correct search words. Does anyone have knowledge on this subject?
So what you’re seeing there is quick-access points.
When you work for a while in a single blueprint, it can get really big. So, we put these things there to make you able to find it very quickly!
Events can only be in one location on a blueprint, so you can’t drag it into the event graph or something like that if it’s already there. This helps you navigate to the event quickly.
As for the MESAJ Event not activating, it needs to be bound to “MESAJ” as part of beginplay on your second blueprint you are showing, with your widgetRef as the Target of the Bind Event!
Thank you for reply. so can i use this event as i use custom event that linked to assign or bind event?
i did this and got this error. and i didnt figured it out.
sorry for the naming differences, i had to make it on another computer
Okay, so this issue is likely on the other end, or because you’re doing this on another project that doesn’t have everything the other one did. Can you post a picture of the event it’s linking to?
With the second, however, you’re making an infinite loop- you’re telling it to do the widget event that you’re binding it to!
You’re saying “When Renkconveyor is called, call renkconveyor, which calls renkconveyor, which calls renkconveyor” infinitely, so this is the safety mechanism.
The bound event needs to be another event, it can’t call the same one that it’s bound to.
Thank you for your answer, it was quite descriptive.
My last question regarding this issue is, is there a valid way to use this event called “renkconveyor (widgetref)” other than the widget in which it is defined? For example, if I were to use something like in the visual, what is the reason why this event is not triggered when I press the relevant button?