I just installed UE 4.25.1 on an iMac Pro 2015, and it works HORRIBLE.
Super slow, super laggy, crashes pretty often.
This mac runs pretty well Maya, don’t see any reason for that performance to happen.
I want to upgrade my Mac, but after I saw what happened I wonder how it performs on macOS in general, even the newest ones.
Can anyone advise from some experience with UE and mac about this?
I’m in the same boat, I’m trying work on my Mac 2018 i7 16gb ram and AMD 560 gpu 4G, its definitely slow, and also runs the Mac super hot, Im thinking it’s better to just use a pc.
Any longterm Mac and unreal user that can chime in. Thanks
Depending on which GPU you have, if it’s an integrated Intel GPU then it’s not really capable of running UE4, if it’s an AMD GPU then it’s probably not that powerful either if it’s from back in 2015. You can try reducing the screen resolution to 1920x1080 if the native resolution is higher since that has a big impact on performance.
I have a Mac Pro with 32 g of ram and it functions great. I don’t think there’s much of a difference when you have a chonkster like mine, but maybe with 16 gigs of ram it’s a lot more noticeable. I tried to run it on 8 actually for a long time, but it was so terrible that I had to quit trying to learn unreal until I could upgrade